New & Safe: #1 Laser hair removal for dark skin Laval
Nd: YAG laser hair removal for black, brown or pigmented skin.
Clinique Médico Esthétique Complexions is proud to offer its clients in the greater Laval region, Quebec to the north of the island of Montreal, laser hair removal for dark skin Laval.
We offer Nd: YAG laser hair removal for dark skin Laval, the best technology in terms of safety and efficacy for the treatment of patients with black, brown or so-called pigmented skin.
Make an appointment online (here) or contact us at (514) 651-CMEC (2632) and book a free laser hair removal for dark skin Laval consultation.
How do we use the Nd: YAG laser in permanent hair removal for unwanted hair at our clinic in Laval, Quebec north of the island of Montreal?
The light energy created by the Nd: YAG laser is absorbed by the pigment (melanin) in the hair root.
The effect of the heat produced by the Nd: YAG laser causes the hair to gradually decrease in size and disappear.
Nd: Yag laser treatment for pseudofolliculitis of beard, scars and spots pigmented dark skin hair removal, hair removal pigmented skin

(All photos posted for informational purposes only to provide procedural information. They are not a guarantee of results. Results may vary from person to person)
Why is Nd: YAG Laser technology superior to other laser technologies for treating dark skin?
For dark skinned clients, the challenge is to get the laser light through the skin without the laser energy being absorbed or blocked by the skin pigment. If the type of laser you choose is not suitable or suitable for dark skin tones, the treatment will not be effective and it can burn the skin as well.
At Clinique Médico Esthétique Complexions “our priority is the safety of our clients, which is why there are no compromises when it comes to choosing the best technology for dark skin laser hair removal.
The long pulse Nd: Yag laser can bypass dark skin surface pigmentation and effectively target the hair root without damaging or burning the skin. For these reasons, the Nd: Yag laser is the best technology of choice for laser hair removal on dark skin types IV, V and VI.
How is laser hair removal treatment performed on dark skin? How many sessions are required?
At our clinic in Laval, Quebec north of the island of Montreal, a session lasts 15 to 30 minutes depending on the size and number of areas to be treated.
For optimal results, on average between 5 and 7 sessions are necessary.
A solution to the problems of acne, ingrown hairs on the beard, pigment spots caused by shaving and Keloid on the neck or repetitive waxing
Due to the curly or frizzy nature of the hair in some black, Middle Eastern and Mediterranean clients, scarring, ingrown hairs and dark spots associated with shaving can become a major problem.
Skin color and scar issues?
Nd: Yag laser hair removal for dark skin is an effective and permanent solution to these problems.
Nd: Yag technology is added to other laser technologies, specialized skin care for dark skin and peels offered to you by the professional team at Clinique Médico Esthétique Complexions.
How long does pigmentation take to fade after laser?
Things to avoid after laser hair removal:
Avoid extended UV (Sun) exposure for 7 days post-treatment.
- If blisters occur, do not puncture. If skin is broken, apply an antibiotic ointment until healed.
- Over the counter medication is recommended for post treatment discomfort. You may also apply Restorative Gel (highest recommended), cool towels, ice packs or aloe vera to alleviate discomfort due to heat.
- Avoid using car seat warmers immediately after treatment.
- Avoid any additional laser treatments or chemical procedures on the treated area for at least 2 weeks post-treatment or until healing has occurred.
- Exfoliate treated areas to minimize risk of ingrown hairs.
- Using a broad spectrum UVA/UVB SPF 30 or higher is critical when receiving laser treatments and is recommended ongoing for maintenance.
- If you experience any side effects, such as hypo- or hyper-pigmentation, prolonged redness or swelling, a histamine reaction, or blistering, call or visit us for instructions on treatment.
- To achieve the best results, complete the full treatment schedule at the intervals recommended by your technician.
Understanding the hair removal process will help you know when you should schedule your next appointment(s) in order to get the best clinic results.
What laser hair removal for dark skin Laval technology are you using?
At Clinique Médico Esthétique Complexions, we use TritonDuo Dark laser hair removal for dark skin and tanned skin. Dark skin hair removal technology can be customized to suit each individual, ensuring patient safety and comfort during laser hair removal.
Triton DuoDark helps practices maximize results on darker skin, up to skin type VI, without losing effectiveness. This can broaden the potential patient base to help patients who otherwise would be left without a hair removal solution.

To get an evaluation, book a free consultation or contact us at (514) 651-CMEC (2632)
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